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Brief van Geert Waegemans
Dit is een brief die we mochten ontvangen van Geert Waegemans gericht aan alle activisten tegen het gevangenissysteem.

"Dear friends,

On april 24th Im released from prison after have done 2,5 years. And I must say that it never have been an easy time. But what do you expect from a state institute which only attempt is to deprive and repress people instead of looking at the reasons why people end up in prison?

Looking at that its obvious that the system is the reason itself. State and capitalism arent there for the people. On the contrary. The people are being used and exploited for a competition that only profits that money and powergreeded scum.

So, prison is only there to justify their humiliating policy. Okay, Im out now and I have to build up a whole new life again, while being aware not to end up in jail again. But in the long term I guess Ill manage. Besides I dont want to catch the full attention. There are still too many friends in prison who need our full support. Also in Belgium, which is the third wealthiest country in the world, prison circumstances are a disgrace for human rights. The most intense problem is overpopulation.

Over here its a fact that socially excluded people get locked up just because they want to survive in this selfish world. Also people with a mental problem get imprisoned, while they actually should get adequate treatment.

Also a problem for me is prison labour. Authorities like to say that putting prisoners to work is helpfull to them. Thats an opportunity to get their life back on track once they get out again. That prisoners may feel themselves usefull. Bollocks!

Prison labour is just a democratic farce, a hidden agenda for forced slavery. Im talking about people here who are being exploited for making free market products and even worse, making furniture for the prison industry itself. damn. It makes prisoners accomplice for the maintenance of that damn state institution.

Anyway, its an outrage where Ive been this last 2,5 years. And its unbelievable how a state, a government can sell this outrage to society. really, problems are being created just to justify an inhuman policy.

By corresponding with many people I know that prison systems are a worldwide outrage. Over here mostly mentally, in the majority of other countries both mentally and physically. I guess that most of you know about the F.I.E.S. regime in Spain and the control units in the U.S. just to name a few. I must say thats quite encouraging that people on the inside and outside are willing to take a stand against this powerfull and sometimes murderous opponent. And so does it encourage me as well. I want to use my experience for helping to abolish the prison industry.

Meanwhile , re-entering society is harder then I thought but I only did a small part. My thoughts go out to those who suffer big time. I know how it feels.

Therefor again, lets not forget those who need us. Its so important to let them know that theyre not forgotten.

Personnaly Id like to thank everybody who supported me during my imprisonment. Know that it made my life more bearable in there. With this in mind I say that the struggle will and shall continue until all are free?

Clenched fist in the air salut!"

Geert Waegemans, 28/04/03