Thomas Meyer-Falk
Bij 18 maart
Thomas Meyer-Falk, een redskin, in de bajes voor onteigening van een bank.
Open brief van een aangeklaagde terreurverdachte, Arabier en moslim
Sinds het voorjaar van
2002 zit onder anderen ene heer Mohamed Abu Dhess in Duitsland
gevangen in isolatie. Men beschuldigd hem en enige andere mannen uit
het Nabije Oosten, dat ze een terroristische vereniging opgericht en
aanslagen in Duitsland gepland hebben. Op een andere plek heb ik al
over hem en in het bijzonder zijn proces bericht:
Een brief van Thomas Meyer Falk, Bij 18 maart 2004
Thomas Meyer Falk werd in
1996 veroordeeld en opgesloten voor een bankoverval met als doel
politieke activiteiten te financieren. Normaal zou hij in 2010
vrijkomen maar omwille van een “veiligheidsstraf" zal zijn
opsluiting verlengd worden. Omdat hij zijn politieke ideeën en
militant antifascisme nooit verwierp en omwille van zijn verzet tegen
zijn opsluiting, is hij het slachtoffer van allerhande speciale
maatregelen. Studies via de post werden hem geweigerd omdat hij “deze
kennis tegen de staat zou kunnen gebruiken". Thomas zit sinds
het begin in isolatie onder zeer zware omstandigheden. De brief
hieronder verzond hij in maart vanuit de gevangenis. Het ABC Gent
heeft eind 2004 een brochure met verzamelde teksten van Thomas
4 Years of Solitary Confinement
On August 3rd, 2002, it has been 4 continuous years that I have spent in
solitary confinement in German prisons; before that I had already been
in solitary confinement from October 1996 to May 1998.
Twenty five years of hard labour regulated by law in Germany.
by Thomas-Meyer Falk
The author of this introduction is currently imprisoned himself in a
jail in Germany. Although he is kept in strict isolation, he is
supposed to do hard labour. During daytime he is supposed to do
piece-work in an empty isolation-cell while in the evenings he could
rest in the isolation cell next door. An idea which he refused, but
which led him to deal with the subject "hard labour in the treatment of
(alleged) criminals in Germany" again.
Modern arms in the war against behavior deviant from the system
By Thomas Meyer Falk
A: Introduction
: By chance I learned about a study accessible to the
STOA(Scientific And Technological Options Assessment) committee of the
European Parliament.
German Militarism after September 11th
by Thomas-Meyer Falk
I. Preliminary note
: "Peking must be truly attacked and flattenend to ground level.
Peking must be shaved. It's a fight between Asia and the whole of
Europe", Emperor Wilhelm II wrote on July 20th, 1900. A few days later
he spoke to the German soldiers, motivating them for the exterminating
crusade in China:
Censorship in the criminal justice system?
by Thomas-Meyer Falk
Article 5 paragraph one of the German "Grundgesetz" (which takes the
place of a constitution) states that everybody has the right to give
and spread his opinion freely by means of spoken language, documents
and pictures. A censorship, so the article continues, "does not take
Real life satire from the Bruchsal prison
by Thomas-Meyer Falk
On November 11th each year the so-called 5th season starts in large
parts of Germany -female and male "fools" take to power. The climax are
the carnival parades in the following spring season before Easter.
Santa Claus endangers safety inside the prison by Thomas-Meyer Falk
Some time ago I reported about the governmental advisor Mrs X who
started to serve in the Bruchsal prison on November 11th, 2002, and
untiringly fights for law and order. Recently balloons were the object
of her fight - balloons which I wished to obtain, but did not get.
Are secret state security trials possible in Germany as well?
by Thomas-Meyer Falk
In mid-November 2001 U$-President George W. Bush signed a bill
according to which alleged terrorists can from now on be put on trial
secretly and world wide to US military courts; they can be convicted
and thus even executed this way. Furthermore, the Minister of Justice
has been empowered, similarly to the German "Kontaktsperregesetz", to
abandon allcontact that the prisoners may have to the outside world,
including their lawyers, if it is required by public safety.
Imprisonment and Forced Labour
By Thomas Meyer-Falk
In the following, the necessity of a (inter)national campaign against
the forced labour occurring in prisons today shall be explained. The
legal background to forced labour in prisons will be presented in an
introduction (A), then, the main section (B) the necessity of a
campaign against forced labour fought within as well as outside of
prisons will be established.
A short outlook on how international co-operation in this area could be
like will be given at the end.