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German Militarism after September 11th by Thomas-Meyer Falk
I. Preliminary note  : "Peking must be truly attacked and flattenend to ground level. Peking must be shaved. It's a fight between Asia and the whole of Europe", Emperor Wilhelm II wrote on July 20th, 1900. A few days later he spoke to the German soldiers, motivating them for the exterminating crusade in China:

"There will be no pardon, we will not make prisoners. Just like, a thousand years ago, the Hunns (? "Hunnen") under king ETZEL created for themselves a name which makes them seem powerful even today in fairytales and historical stories, the name "German" must be underlined in China for a thousand years, so that no Chinese will dare to even look squint-eyed upon a German." The German government today uses a similar choice of words.

II. Historical review

In the year 1900 the German army moved through China plundering and murdering, killing tens of thousands of Chinese people both female and male as a revenge for the execution of the German embassador in China by a revolutioner.

Only a few years later the German imperialists exterminated more than 80% of the Hetero and more than 50% of the Nama in "Deutsch-Südwestafrika", the German South West Africa, the area today called Namibia.

Probably better remembered today is the unchained German soldiers' mob of the years 1914 to 1918, which put about 10 million people to death. It is dishonourfully known as the First World War.

On September 1st, 1939, Poland was attacked, on June 22nd, 1941, the criminal German army ("Wehrmacht") invaded the Socialist Sovjet Union. In the course of this invasion 20 million Sovjet citizens were murdered. In between these two attacks were invasions in Belgium, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and France. A further step towards gaining power over the whole world were the Nazi attacks on Yugoslavia and Greece.

When the fascist German army seemed defeated, the building up of a new German army started openly in West Germany in the 1950s. In 1958, 12 900 officers of the "democratic" "Bundeswehr" (new name for the German army) came from the Nazi "Wehrmacht". By means of an order given by the German Minister for War, Blank, on September 1st, 1956, former SS officers were integrated in the newly founded army and given high military ranks.

Finally in 1999 the German army got the chance of participating in an offensive war for the first time since 1945 and happily took the opportunity. The Minister of War, Scharping, led the third attack of Yugoslavia in the 20th century. He and his colleague, Fischer, invented alleged concentration camps in Serbia. This one as well as some other lies were used to justify the attack. (By the way, chancellor Schröder and the Ministers Scharping and Fischer were judged guilty of war crimes by an independent Serbian court in 2000.)

III. The German Army after 11/09/2001

When an attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in the USA on September 11th, 2001, had been turned into an attack on "western civilization", the German chancellor Schröder announced on November 6th, 2001, that now the German army would participate in the US war on Afghanistan.

Now the meaning of the preliminary note becomes clear. With a very similar choice of words and the same attitude the martial German army will once again kill helpless and innocent people to help the German and international imperialism gain the "Endsieg" (Nazi word for "final victory"). It's not the often quoted human rights that shall be protected, but geo-political and geo-strategic positions of power in the Near East and in that part of Asia.

Everyone who demands bomb attacks on the Taliban-Regime, but hasn't done so before September 11th, should remain quiet! Of course this regime is an inhuman dictatorship; but this fact does not justify the killing of hundreds of civilians! Besides, concerning inhuman policies, especially the German, but also the US government have a lot of experience - for with a bit of good will it would not be necessary to have 24,000 people worldwide die of hunger every single day, to name but one of many examples.

The German army today continues the tradition of the German army, in both historical and personal continuity, which invaded China in 1900, Poland in 1939, the Sovjet Union in 1941 and once again Yugoslavia in 1999, robbing millions of people of their lives and freedom.

Because of that:

No - to a German military presence in Afghanistan!

No - to military help for the USA or other NATO states!

No - to German imperialism and militarism!

For the abolition of the German army!

For freedom and justice!